Streets & Roads
Snow Plowing / Salting
Your cooperation is needed during snowfall events to help the Township keep the streets plowed and available for emergency vehicles, as well as pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Please help by observing the following:
Whenever snow has fallen and the accumulation covers the streets, a state of emergency shall exists and no vehicles may be parked on streets or highways.
The above parking prohibition shall remain in effect after the snow has ceased until the roads have been sufficiently plowed. Illegally parked vehicles may be towed at the owner's expense.
After the streets are plowed and salted, snow deposited back into the roadway creates hazardous situations, causes additional plowing of the streets and blocking of parked vehicles and driveways after the original cleanup. Summonses could be issued for non-compliance. All snow must be cleared within 24 hours after snow has stopped.
Tenants, and property owners are required by Township Ordinance to remove snow and ice from sidewalks within 12 hours of daylight after the snowfall has stopped.
At no time is snow to be disposed of into the street from the property, parking lots, driveways and sidewalks. All snow blowers should be directed to blow snow back onto the property.
We want to thank everyone for complying with these requests and following the ordinances, rules and regulations of the Township of South Hackensack.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Street Sweeping
The street sweeper is out on a daily basis (weather permitting).